Weekly church bulletins are now available online. To view them, select “Bulletins” from the site menu, or go here.
Fr. Deacon Anthony
Sunday, October 9th Liturgy will be at 2 PM
Because of our 90th Anniversary Celebration, the Divine Liturgy for Sunday, October 9 will be at 2 PM. There will be no morning liturgy.
Divine Liturgy will return to it’s usual time of 11 AM on the following Sunday.
Ebensburg Potato Fest
9:00 to 5:00 – come and visit our food booth in downtown Ebensburg.
This is our biggest fund raiser of the year. Come and help make it a big success!
90th Anniversary Celebration
You are cordially invited to our 90th Anniversary Celebration as a parish.
Fr. Andriy will be concelebrating the Divine Liturgy with Clergy of the Deanery at 2:00PM
A banquet will be held at 4:00PM at Kosta’s Restuarant. Please RSVP by September 30, 2016. Each meal will be $20.00. Send RSVP and payment to the church at:
Protection of the BVM
PO Box 194
Revloc, PA 15948-0194