St. Nicholas Visit on Dec. 6

St. Nicholas will be making his 51st visit to our parish on Dec. 6 following the Divine Liturgy. Our tradition will continue with some modifications. There will not be a gathering for fellowship in the hall. St. Nicholas will distribute gifts to the children in the church after the Divine Liturgy.

Pilgrimage at Parish on Sunday, August 19. Divine Liturgy will be at 3 PM.

Our parish is blessed to have a copy of the Miraculous Icon of Our Lady of Zarvanytsia. Since many of us cannot travel to Zarvanytsia, Ukraine, we will honor the Mother of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ here in Revloc, PA. All are invited to share in this special day for our parish.

Because of the pilgrimage, there will be no 11 AM Divine Liturgy.  Instead, the Sunday Divine Liturgy will be at 3 PM on this day.

Here is the the full schedule:

Tickets on sale for Ukrainian Christmas Eve Dinner

December 9, 2017 from 6:00 to 8:00PM.

Experience the beauty and significance of the foods, the candles, the songs, and the excitement of a Holy Supper as it has been done for hundreds of years in Ukraine.

$30.00/person Limited seating. Call for your tickets today. (814)472-9396 leave a message and we will get back to you.