Saturdays with Jesus — Religious Education

Learning about Jesus is a life-long journey.  Come and check out Saturdays with Jesus.

Once a month, the group will gather to spend time learning about their faith and participating in activities designed to reflect their faith journey.


  • Second Saturday of the month


  • Revloc


  • 10 – 12 AM for anyone age 12+, including adults
  • 2 – 4 PM for children ages 5 to 11

Public Services Suspended

Glory to Jesus Christ!

My dear brothers and sisters! Not out of fear, but out of love and care for the people of God, we will not hold public services in our parish. I will pray the Divine Liturgies by myself with the Church Triumphant of the angels and saints. We will implore God for each of you and all during this time of trouble.

Remember who you are, you are a son or a daughter of the King of the Universe. We bow to no one, especially fear. We are victors because our God conquered sin, fear and death.

I will be setting up streaming of the services so you can join us in spirit using the blessing of Internet. God bless each of you!

Sincerely in Christ,

Fr. Andriy Kelt

Ukrainian Easter Egg Class

Once again we will have our annual Ukrainian Easter Egg Class. The class is for beginners as well as for the experienced. All are welcome to attend. Call 472-9396 for more details.

March 14 – introduction and make an egg
March 21 – return with questions and make another egg.

When: March 14 & 21
Time: 9 to 12
RSVP by February 29 – email: or 472-9396
Fee for kits

Christmas Divine Liturgy

Please join us for our Christmas Divine Liturgy in Revloc, at 11 AM on Christmas Day.

Our sister parish in Northern Cambria will have Christmas Divine Liturgies at 4 PM and 10 PM on Christmas Eve, and 9 AM on Christmas Day.