The Sunday, April 15 Liturgy will be at 9:00 AM due to the Easter dinner in Northern Cambria.
Ukrainian Easter Egg Class
We will be having our annual Ukrainian Easter Egg Class on March 3rd and 10th from 9 to 12.
For the first week, the basics will be shown. Week two, you come back with your questions and learn how to finish your egg.
Fee $20 for kits and booklet. If you have the tools, come and spend time with us and make pysanky. RSVP by Feb. 25 by calling 472-9396 or email
Blessing of Homes on Jan. 14
Fr. Andriy is planning to bless the homes of the parish on January 14 following the Liturgy.
Parish Christmas Dinner on Sunday, Jan. 7
On Sunday, Jan. 7 we will be having our annual parish Christmas Dinner. All parishioners are asked to bring their appetite and a dessert to add to the meal. Hope to see everyone there.
No Tuesday Evening Liturgy on Dec. 19; Christmas Decorating at 5 PM
There will be no Tuesday evening Divine Liturgy on Dec. 19. Instead, we will be decorating for Christmas at 5 PM.
There will be ironing, tree decorating, vacuuming, dusting, window decorating, and anything else that needs to be done. Please join us.
Christmas Liturgy Schedule
Here is the schedule for this Christmas:
Movie after Dec. 17 Liturgy
Following the Dec. 17 Liturgy, we will watch The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. Bring your lawn chairs. Children can bring their blankets and pillows to sit on the floor. Pizza and popcorn will be provided.
Sunday, Dec. 10 Liturgy will be at 9 AM
Sunday, Dec. 10 Divine Liturgy will be at 9:00AM in Revloc and 11:00AM in Northern Cambria due to a dinner at Northern Cambria.
St. Nicholas Visit on Sunday, Dec. 3
St. Nicholas will make his 47th Annual Visit to the children of our church. There will be a covered-dish dinner following the 11:00AM Divine Liturgy. Mark your calendars. Come and join us.