Pysanky Class
Join us for the annual Ukrainian Easter Egg Class. Saturday, March 16 and 23 from 9 to 12. For more details: Call 472-9396 and leave a message or PM or email [email protected]
Pysanky Class
Join us for the annual Ukrainian Easter Egg Class. Saturday, March 16 and 23 from 9 to 12. For more details: Call 472-9396 and leave a message or PM or email [email protected]
Lenten Mission
Come and experience forgiveness and mercy of God given to those who humbly repent of their sins. Father Ananias Buccicone, O.S.B., from Queen of Peace Roman Catholic Church in Patton, PA will be the guest speaker for the Mission. The Mission will begin with the Liturgy of St. Gregory the Great, also known as the ... Read more
Birthday Sunday for April
Celebrating those with an April birthday.
Paska and Nut Roll Sale
Paskas will be baked on April 13th. They will be $5.00 plain and $5.50 raisin. Rolls are $10.00 Nut, Poppy or Apricot. See the sign-up sheet in the vestibule closer to the date.
Holy Thursday Dinner
Please sign up if you plan to attend.
Resurrection Matins & Divine Liturgy
Resurrection Matins & Divine Liturgy at 8 AM, followed by the blessing of baskets.
Easter Dinner
Everyone is welcome to join us for our annual Easter Dinner. There will be good food, as well as fun activities for children.
Birthday Sunday for June
Celebrating those with a June birthday.
Parish Picnic
The annual parish picnic will be July 14 following the liturgy.