Birthday Sunday for July
Celebrating those with a July birthday.
Revloc Centennial Celebration
Our parish will be selling food and having a yard sale in conjunction with the Centennial Celebration of Revloc. For details, see the May 28 bulletin.
Marian Pilgrimage
Our Lady of Zarvanytisa Pilgrimage. To learn more about this event, click here.
Ebensburg Potato Fest
Our parish will be participating in the Ebensburg Potato Fest. Work days will be scheduled to make food for the event. In addition to the work day, parishioners are asked to bake goodies to sell at the event. The more you bake, the more you help the parish to earn money to defray expenses. More ... Read more
Parish Feast Day
There will be a covered dish dinner.
Birthday Sunday for October
Celebrating those with an October birthday.
St. Nicholas Visit
47th Annual Visit of St. Nicholas to the parish.
Ukrainian Christmas Eve Dinner
The 2nd Ukrainian Christmas Eve Dinner. Experience the beauty and significance of the foods, the candles, the songs, and the excitement of a Holy Supper as it has been done for hundreds of years in Ukraine. $30.00/person Limited seating. Call for your tickets today. (814)472-9396 leave a message and we will get back to you.
Divine Liturgy at 9 AM
Divine Liturgy will be at 9:00AM on December 10 due to a dinner in Northern Cambria.