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Nut Roll and Poppy Seed Roll Sale
Our parish will have its Christmas Nut Roll Sale Dec. 18. Please get orders from your friends and family. All are welcome to come and help bake on Dec. 17th.
Birth of our Lord and Savior
Please join us in our Church on Christmas. Here is the schedule for the services: December 25th - 8:00am Remember to invite all your friends and family.
Parish Christmas Dinner
On Sunday (January 8) we will enjoy our annual Christmas Dinner. Everyone is asked to bring a dessert.
Birthday Sunday for January
Celebrating those with a January birthday.
St. Anna’s Kitchen
St. Anna’s Kitchen will be serving a meal on February 5th.
Birthday Sunday for February
Celebrating those with a February birthday.
First Day of Lent
No meat or dairy products.
St. Anna’s Kitchen
St. Anna’s Kitchen will be serving a meal.