Birthday Sunday for September
Celebrating those with a September birthday.
Ebensburg Potato Fest
Visit our food booth in downtown Ebensburg. This is our biggest fund raiser of the year. Come and help make it a big success!
90th Anniversary Celebration
Divine Liturgy of Thanksgiving celebrated by Fr. Andriy and fellow clergy at 2:00PM. Banquet at Kosta's Restaurant following the Liturgy.
Birthday Sunday for October
Celebrating those with an October Birthday.
St. Philip’s Fast begins (Advent)
Philip’s Fast (Pylypivka), the pre-Christmas fast which begins this week on Nov. 15th – the day after the feast of St. Philip – is a 40 days period of spiritual preparation for the celebration of the Nativity/Theophany cycle of the church year. It was once a period of strict fasting, which has now been abrogated ... Read more