Easter Dinner

Our annual Easter Dinner will follow the Sunday Divine Liturgy. Please bring a dessert to add to the traditional Paschal foods.


The annual Ebensburg PotatoFest will be September 30th.

Saturdays with Jesus (Adults)

Catechism classes will resume: Oct. 7th 2-3:30 for the Children Oct 14th 10-12 for Adult  

Saturdays with Jesus (catechism classes)

Saturdays with Jesus is a monthly gathering to learn more about our church and faith. We will be taking a closer look at the words of the Divine Liturgy over the next few months. Adults 10 AM to 12 PM Children 2 to 3:30 PM

St. Nicholas Visit

St. Nicholas will make his 54th visit to our parish on December 3. We will have a covered dish dinner and presents will be given to the children. Please bring your family and friends.