
The annual Ebensburg PotatoFest will be September 30th.

Saturdays with Jesus (Adults)

Catechism classes will resume: Oct. 7th 2-3:30 for the Children Oct 14th 10-12 for Adult  

Saturdays with Jesus (catechism classes)

Saturdays with Jesus is a monthly gathering to learn more about our church and faith. We will be taking a closer look at the words of the Divine Liturgy over the next few months. Adults 10 AM to 12 PM Children 2 to 3:30 PM

St. Nicholas Visit

St. Nicholas will make his 54th visit to our parish on December 3. We will have a covered dish dinner and presents will be given to the children. Please bring your family and friends.

Christmas Dinner

The annual Christmas dinner will be Jan 7th following Divine Liturgy. Please bring a dessert.