Pysanky Classes: Learning to write Ukrainian Easter Eggs

Whether you are experienced or trying this for the first time, come and join us for our annual class.

We will meet for 2 session: March 18 and March 25 from 9-12.

Session one you will learn the technique. Session two you will come back with all of your questions to get answers and learn the final steps in the process of dyeing Ukrainian Easter Eggs.

Call 814.472.9396 or email [email protected] to register.

Christmas Schedule 2022

Christmas Eve

  • 4:00PM – Divine Liturgy (Northern Cambria)
  • 10:00PM – Compline and Divine Liturgy (Northern Cambria)

Christmas Day

  • 9:00AM – Divine Liturgy (Northern Cambria)
  • 11:00AM – Divine Liturgy (Revloc)

PotatoFest Help

On September 24 we need all hands on deck!

Please sign up to help with our biggest and only fundraiser. In today’s world churches are not fully funded by the collection plate. We’ve had work crews preparing for the event. Please clear you schedule for this day and help work the booth.

Sign up for a two-hour shift by clicking on the link below:

* Volunteer at Booth *

Pysanky Class March 19 & 26

Our Annual Pysanky Class will be March 19 and March 26 from 9:00 to 12 each day.

Day 1: you will learn how to make them and create one.

Day 2: You will be able to make some at home and come back with all of your questions and learn how to finish them for display or sharing.

$25/kit Register by February 28 814.472.9396

Classes are held in the church social hall.

Potato Fest on Sep. 25

We will be needing help to set up 6:00AM and take down 4:30 the tents.

We will need help manning the tent throughout the day. Come and show your love for your parish and help with the parishes biggest fund raiser of the year.